Today, Supreme Ventures Limited (SVL) will kick off the third staging of its Junior Creators Camp at the Campion College campus. The camp, which will run for two weeks, will host 100 students, ages eight to 11 years, from various primary schools across the Corporate Area, and will introduce them to the world of robotic engineering.
The camp will be facilitated by Marvin Hall of Halls of Learning, and will focus on sparking an interest in STEM subjects and exposing the students to the fun side of science in a way that is not widely available in the primary -school system. They will be introduced to computer programming and how to use coding to automate robots and other practical applications of scientific theory. Based on their performance during the camp, each week, the top achieving boy and girl will be chosen to receive a cash scholarship of $50,000 in time for back to school, and a trophy for their efforts.
This year, SVL will be taking the camp offerings a step further by teaming up with RISE Life Management for a self-improvement component for the young people.
Simone Clarke-Cooper, assistant vice-president, corporate communications, said that the self-development sessions and scholarship were added to expand the programme and have a more lasting impact on the children who attend.
“The main aim of the camp is to expose children to the creative side of science, but having done this before, we realise that in the same way we can empower them to create, we can empower them to be better individuals overall. Based on what we observed over the years, we thought this year we could use a more comprehensive approach and inspire confidence in these young people to see how amazing they are, with the hope that they will carry that back with them not only into the new school year but into their communities as well. RISE has a programme in schools where they focus on this and other areas, so we partnered with them to connect with the children and to spark positive behaviour change that will stay with them,” she said.
She continued, “All the students who pass through our Junior Creators programme are winners for their effort and teamwork but this year, we decided to add the financial scholarship aspect to our top boy and top girl awards to make the award even more impactful.”
The camp, which is free of cost to all participants, will host students from St George’s Girls’ Primary & Infant School, St Aloysius Primary School, New Providence Primary School, Mountain View Primary School, Rousseau Primary School, Holy Rosary Primary, and Swallowfield Primary.