Jamaica Gleaner – August 17, 2019
Some four students who attend the upcoming Supreme Ventures Junior Creators Camp will get a chance to cop $200,000 in scholarships, when the company hosts its annual camp for primary school children in St Andrew and St Catherine.
The camp, which kicks off on August 19 and ends on August 23, is focused on bringing the fun of robotic engineering, programming and coding to 80 children aged eight to 11, using Legos and other child-friendly devices.
The camp will be held at the Ardenne High School and facilitated by Marvin Hall of Halls of Learning.
The Junior Creators camp serves to provide a creative environment for children from the primary school system to broaden their minds and indulge their imaginations while learning the value of teamwork, and of course having fun, all through the design, creation and operation of lego and robotic engineering.
Vice-president, marketing, communications and sponsorships, Gail Abrahams, said “The aim of the camp is to expose primary school students, who may not have had the opportunity otherwise, to robotics and STEM subjects in a fun and exciting environment. Additionally, $50,000 each in scholarships will be awarded to the top four students to assist them in the upcoming school year.”
This year’s staging will include Independence City and Gregory Park primary schools from the communities around Caymanas Park, while Corporate Area schools such as Half-Way Tree Primary, Greenwich All-Age and St Richard’s Primary schools will also be in attendance.
Abrahams says Supreme is intent on making a positive impact on communities where their subsidiaries and outlets are located.
The camp’s penultimate day, August 23, is slated to be a treat for the students who will receive certificates of participation, medals and trophies for their efforts throughout the week. The award ceremony will see state minister in the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information, Alando Terrelonge, and Supreme Ventures President and CEO Ann-Dawn Young Sang in attendance.

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Source : http://jamaica-gleaner.com/article/news/20190817/supreme-ventures-offer-students-200000-scholarships
Other Mentions: Jamaica Star- August 16, 2019
Source : http://jamaica-star.com/article/news/20190816/supreme-ventures-offer-200000-scholarships