Responsible Gaming

Supreme Ventures Limited is committed to Responsible Gaming. Our products are designed for adults, 18 years and older, and our encouragement to them is to game responsibly.  As part of our commitment to promoting responsible gaming, we are staunch and supportive partners of Rise Life Management, the only organization of its kind in Jamaica which deals with counselling and behavior change for persons with addictions of any kind. We are annual supporters of their campaign against underage gambling. Our products are a source of entertainment, and as such we encourage gamers to use discretionary spend when gaming, or use funds that they can afford to dedicate to playing. When the fun is done, that’s usually an indication that it’s time to stop.

Reduce The Risks

Think of the lottery as a form of entertainment only and not as a way to make money.

Do not chase losses.

Decide in advance how much you’re prepared to spend in a given time-frame and stick to it.

Keep track of your wins and losses.

Be cognisant of your emotions and never gamble as a way to escape negative feelings.

If family or friends voice concern, listen to them.

Looking For Help?

You are not alone!

If gaming has become a problem, there is hope. Free, confidential help is available for you or someone you know.

RISE Life Management Services
57 East St.
Tel : 1-876-967-3777-8
Counselling Lifeline: 1-888-991-4146