Thank you for your interest in becoming a Supreme Ventures Retailer. Below you will find a list of requirements needed to get the application process started.
Any prospective applicant must own/operate a business at the proposed location for one (1) year or more. Each applicant will need to provide the following information:
- Name of applicant(s)
- Telephone contact number(s)
- Name of business
- Type of business
- Number of years in operation
- Address of the location
Applicants should also provide pictures of the proposed location i.e. at least one (1) picture of the inside and one (1) picture of the outside of the building.
The application will be assigned to a Representative who will contact you within two (2) weeks, to discuss the application. If the proposed location is in an area where a terminal is needed, the Representative will schedule a visit to the location and conduct an assessment. You will then be advised by the Applications Department if the location has been approved or rejected.
N.B. Approvals are not guaranteed. As such, please do not make any adjustments to the proposed location, unless you receive confirmation from the Applications Department, in writing, that the location has been approved.
If you meet all the minimum qualifications and would like to proceed with the application process, please click the button below to get started.