Supreme Ventures Foundation awards scholarships to Junior Creators Robotic campers

As the reopening of school approaches, the Supreme Ventures Foundation (SVF) has secured four students with a scholarship of $200,000 to fund their education for one year.

These youngsters were campers at the Junior Creators Robotic Camp and were honoured for their brilliance across a range of categories. The campers, Katalima Baroo of Independence City Primary School, Malia Simpson of St Andrew High School, Robeano Davis of Waterford Primary School, and Raheim Daley of St Francis Primary earned the title of “super achievers” for excellent performance, teamwork throughout the series of the camp, and for each exhibiting a superb attitude.

According to Supreme Ventures Foundation (SVF) Director Heather Goldson, the foundation is happy with its dedication to carrying out its goal and is overjoyed to recognise the students for their exceptional talent and dedication.

“We are happy to award these scholarships to these driven youngsters because we will be enabling them to advance and receive the support they so richly deserve. One of the foundation’s cornerstones is to support young, brilliant minds in our nation, and this scholarship opportunity is just one more way we’re showing how committed we are to doing so,” said Goldson.

The Junior Creators Robotics Camp, which lasted five days and took place at Ardenne High School, introduced primary school-aged children (ages 8 to 11) to the design, construction, and operation of Lego and robotic engineering while teaching them the value of teamwork and having fun.

Goldson noted that she was pleased with the overall performance of the children and gave special highlights to the super achievers for their exceptional performance.

“All the children executed well but those four kids really stepped it up with their dedication, attitude, and collaboration abilities, which made them the super achievers. As part of our commitment to social responsibility we had to play our role just as the children played theirs. Through these scholarships we will keep changing lives for the better because we are totally committed to it,” she said.

The educational scholarships granted to the outstanding achievers are just another of the foundation’s contributions. In 2021 the SVF, in collaboration with the Child Protection and Family Services Agency, offered 20 exceptional children in State custody full four-year scholarships, worth about $100 million, to support their academic aspirations.

“We have always supported students’ education; and aside from the fact that these scholarships are meant to lessen financial difficulties, these scholarships have value far beyond the monetary,” Goldson said while mentioning that it is the SVF’s way of saying to each recipient, “We believe in you.”

The Supreme Ventures Foundation was established in order to strengthen the Supreme Ventures Group’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) operations. The foundation’s emphasis is on legacy projects or initiatives that will significantly and permanently improve the nation’s social well-being.


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Schoolboy aces robotics camp with capture of four trophies

Asha Wilks – Jamaica Gleaner – August 20, 2022

It was not surprising that of the 80 students who participated in a weeklong robotics camp organised by the Supreme Ventures Limited (SVL) Foundation and Halls of Learning, Robeano Davis came out on top with a quadruple victory.

Given his leadership qualities, Robeano’s class teacher, Nadine Walker, was confident that he would tackle any task with dedication and passion.

“He is disciplined, assertive, highly respective, self-driven and self-motivated,” a proud Walker said of her young charge.

“He was shy, but let I tell you, he has really come out of his shell a lot and is one who is always striving for excellence,” she added.

Davis, the former head boy of Waterford Primary School in Portmore, St Catherine, was on Friday awarded at the annual SVL Foundation Junior Creators Robotics Camp prize-giving ceremony at Ardenne High School in St Andrew.

An overwhelmed Robeano told The Gleaner that although he had taken the training camp very seriously and had put in the effort to learn as much as he could, he did not expect to walk away with four trophies.

He was awarded Best Attitude; Best Boy Camper; Best Pair, a joint award with his partner, Chaequan Stewart; and named one of four superachievers, which allowed him to join other recipients in cashing in on part of the $200,000 worth of scholarships to cover two years of their academic studies.

“I have always had an interest in robotics,” Robeano said, noting that his involvement stemmed from the influence of his parents, who both work in the tech field.

“To get so many trophies, I know that they will be very proud,” he said.

With eyes set on joining the military and serving his country in the future, his is planning to continue studying robotics when he transitions to Kingston College in September.

“I hope to excel more in Kingston College because I know that there are many opportunities over there,” Robeano said, describing robotics as fun.

Malia Simpson, who was recognised as the Best Girl Camper, told The Gleaner that she had fun creating race cars, lighthouses, and flashlights.

She stated that the spike prime, which gave her the ability to use codes and sensors to manipulate her robots’ movements, was the best part of the camp.

She hopes to continue her journey in enhancing her technical abilities through studies in computer science.

SVL Executive Chairman Gary Peart said that when the camp was first conceptualised in 2016, it was the team’s vision to introduce Jamaican children to science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEAM) in a creative environment to foster their ideas and broaden their imagination.

Moderator Dr Terri-Karelle Reid emphasised that investing in the nation’s children also meant investing in the future of the country.

She said that Supreme Ventures sought to teach the youngsters that they did not have to live as consumers their entire lives, but rather that they should consider becoming creators of technology that other people might also enjoy.

Education Minister Fayval Williams acknowledged that many of the children coming out of nearly two years of online classes were more computer literate. She also commended SVL and Halls of Learning for their continued work.

Halls of Learning was founded in 2003 and is a Jamaican educational services provider dedicated to empowering the lives of people through education through robotics and coding.

“I am particularly pleased that so many of you had the opportunity to participate in this camp,” Williams said, noting that the activities complemented Jamaica’s national development plan, Vision 2030.


Students gain robotics skills at five-day camp

KINGSTON, Jamaica – Over 80 primary and secondary level students were exposed to skills in robotics, engineering, and coding at a free five-day camp, which ended on Friday, August 19.

The Junior Creators Robotics Camp, organised by Supreme Ventures Foundation in partnership with Halls of Learning, was being staged for the first time since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Participating students, including children in State care, hailed from Independence City Primary and Waterford Primary in St Catherine, and St Andrew High School for Girls and Wolmer’s Boys School in Kingston, among others.

Minister of Education and Youth, Fayal Williams, who addressed the award and closing ceremony, held at Ardenne High School in Kingston, commended the organisers of the camp.

“Activities of this kind are complementary to the Ministry’s efforts to link STEM [science, technology, engineering, and mathematics] activities with Jamaica’s National Development Plan: Vision 2030. In today’s knowledge-based economy, creativity and innovation must be essential tools in the intellectual toolbox of our students,” Williams noted.

She welcomed the focus on engineering, saying that “education in this area is crucial because students will learn how to integrate scientific principles to create products and processes that contribute to economic growth.”

In his remarks, Executive Chairman of Supreme Ventures Limited, Gary Peart, said the camp was conceptualised to expose students to STEM in a “creative environment that indulges their imaginations.”

Students were encouraged to embrace respect for each other and work in teams, as part of their soft skills development.

“It was important to conduct the sessions in a team setting to build collaboration and to develop soft skills to complement the technical skills that they would be taught,” Peart said.

Thirteen-year-old Nathanael Pengelley, from Wolmer’s Boys School, stated that participating in the camp was an important step towards achieving his career goal.

“I’ve always had an interest [in this field because] I actually want to become an engineer in robotics. I just really love to create things [and] I know my dream might be big, but I actually want to be able to create a car one day,” he said.

Fifteen-year-old Cordelle Evans, a previous beneficiary of the camp, who participated as an instructor this year, said his experience was helpful to his studies.

“I got to learn new skills and I use them in my daily life activities such as my information technology studies,” he said.

He said he became an instructor because “I remembered how much fun I had.”


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Supreme Ventures Limited is introducing a new omni channel customer support solution designed to improve customer service for its retailer network and gamers.

The new cloud-based solution offers improved communication capabilities for managing customer queries and general interactions with its retail partners. It also allows retailers to have increased access for support handling network related challenges.

“Our goal is to provide our retailers and gamers with a winning customer experience at every touchpoint,” said Dwayne Tulloch, SVP Retail and Customer Operations at Supreme Ventures. “The new solution provides a more streamlined way for customers to interact with Supreme through a user-friendly customer interface using modern technology. It was also designed with the needs of retailers and gamers in mind, providing them with an easier way to manage interactions with us from multiple touchpoints.”

SVL’s new customer service solution is available through a virtual assistant on Facebook, Instagram and on the Supreme Ventures website as well as through email and live agent support from 7am – 9pm daily.

Tulloch further hailed the capabilities of the upgraded system “We’re particularly excited that this new system and technology offer us enhanced reporting capabilities and will allow us to administer customer feedback surveys. Both augmented tools will enable us to do proper root cause analysis and resolve any challenges being faced by our retailers and gamers using data.”

The launch of the new customer service platform comes on the heels of the recent opening of the company’s Flagship Store in Twin Gates. Xesus Johnston CEO of Prime Sports Jamaica, a subsidiary of Supreme Ventures emphasised the company’s commitment to continuously innovating and raising its own standards. “We’re serious about being gamechangers and establishing Supreme Ventures as so much more than a gaming company. This latest investment reaffirms Supreme Ventures’ commitment to delivering world class service to our loyal retailers and gamers.”

The upgraded customer support system went live on August 1, 2022.


Back to school shopping will be a breeze this year for the latest Supreme Scratchaz millionaire!

S. Lee, who was in a joyous mood when she came to claim her winnings, expressed her gratitude for the timing of her win, “This is a nice lump sum that will be a great help with my back-to-school shopping. It really couldn’t have come at a better time! I was also doing some renovation at home that I had to stop because I was low on funds. I’ll also use some of this money to continue that.”

The  lucky Cash Pon de Spot ticket was bought on Lady Musgrave Road in Kingston.

“I bought the ticket and took it home. When I scratched it and saw I won a million dollars I thought it was a mistake. I had to ask my family to check and make sure what I was seeing was real. Me start sweat same time!” expressed an excited Lee.

Supreme Scratchaz is the instant win scratch card game from Supreme Ventures. Since the product was launched in March 2022, players have won over over Two Billion Dollars in prizes.

Customers currently have a selection of eleven different instant win scratch games ranging from J$100 – J$1000 per card and have the chance to win up to J$10 million dollars instantly. Supreme Scratchaz is available at all Supreme Ventures retailers islandwide.